Sunday, March 09, 2008

Arizona or Bust!

We are back from a wonderful trip out to Arizona where we spent time with Jason's side of the family. What a great time we had! Here are a few good memories:

1. Backyard full of wild African daisies (yellow and orange)
2. New appreciation for Lacrosse (thank you Zach)
3. "I think I have a fold-up fork in my purse!" (quote from Judy, who is prepared for any situation that might arise) She had it...crisis averted.
4. Grandpa's saline eye drops (Violet supervised their application 1-2 times daily)
5. Musical stuffed animals singing the same songs over and over and over.....
6. Elephant ride
7. Relaxing by the pool
8. Spending time with Grandma and Grandpa
9. Spending time with Uncle Jeff, Aunt Mo, Zach, and Callan
10. Upgrade to 1st class on our way home...despite 8 hours of delays

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