Monday, February 26, 2007

Cutest Picture Yet!

On Sunday we awoke to a beautiful snowfall and decided it was time for Violet to wear her new red coat, dress, and bonnet sent by Grandma Chruma for Christmas. This is quite possibly the cutest picture taken of Daddy and Violet to date!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Arizona Statehood Day!

February 14, 1912....the date Arizona became our 48th state! Pictured above is the Arizona State Flag. The 13 stripes are red and gold, representing the 13 stripes on the US flag and the colors from the Spanish flag. The stripes are arranged to look like the Arizona sunset. A copper star in the center represents the state's most important industry. The bottom half is blue, matching the blue on the US flag. In case you didn't know, Jason was born and raised in the Arizona desert. He's also quite a fanatic about his home state, so don't refer to February 14th as Valentine's Day....them's fightin' words where he comes from!

You know you're in Arizona when ...
1. You no longer associate bridges (or rivers) with water.
2. You can say 110 degrees without fainting.
3. You eat hot chilies to cool your mouth off.
4. You can make instant sun tea.
5. You learn that a seat belt makes a pretty good branding iron.
6. The temperature drops below 95, you feel a bit chilly.
7. You discover that in July, it takes only 2 fingers to drive your car.
8. You discover that you can get a sunburn through your car window.
9. You notice the best parking place is determined by shade instead of distance.
10. Hot water now comes out of both taps.
11. It's noon in July, kids are on summer vacation, and not one person is out on the streets.
12. You actually burn your hand opening the car door.
13. You break a sweat the instant you step outside at 7:30 a.m. before work.
14. No one would dream of putting vinyl upholstery in a car or not having air conditioning.
15. Your biggest bicycle wreck fear is, "What if I get knocked out and end up lying on the pavement and cook to death?"
16. You realize that asphalt has a liquid state.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Happy Belated Groundhog's Day!

Though we are a little late on this post, we wanted to share our Groundhog's Day celebration with you! On February 2nd Violet, Gretchen (Laurel's mom), and Laurel took a day trip to Staunton (pronounced STAN-TON) and wandered into a little bakery to do some browsing. We didn't even think about it being Groundhog's Day, but upon entering the bakery, we were greeted by the owner who had made these funny little groundhog cupcakes. We bought a few of them to take home for a proper celebration of this often-forgotten holdiay. This year Puxatawney Phil did not see his shadow, so that indicates an early spring.

February 2nd is also Aunt Ingrid's birthday....Happy Birthday!