Thursday, December 18, 2008

Preschool Christmas Pageant

Violet's preschool had their Christmas pageant and wow, it was something! Violet stood there silently for most of the show, but there were a few moments of animation. Overall, it was really cute, but the sort of thing only proud parents (and other relatives) would love!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Junior Photography

Violet tried her hand at photography at the Chemistry Department Christmas party...not so bad for a first-timer!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Decorating Casualties

We had a little too much fun decorating the Christmas tree.

Thanksgiving 911

We celebrated Thanksgiving at the Rescue Squad again this year and had quite a few folks stop by and join us. Laurel's shift starts every Thursday at 6pm, so we ate at 4:30 and had plenty of time to clear up before the shift began.

Adventure Is My Middle Name

Daddy and Violet went down to the Common Area (big field and a stream) in our development one Sunday afternoon while Mommy was napping. When they got back, this is what Violet looked like and she proudly announced "We went on an adventure!" It turns out that Jason had her on his shoulders and slipped down the bank into the stream. Violet fell off his shoulders on the way down and was unhurt, but very upset. Thinking quickly, Jason changed tragedy into excitement and it has now entered our family lore as a great adventure!