Thursday, February 17, 2011

It's a Perfect Day

After the cold temps and dark mornings, it's starting to lighten up much earlier in the mornings. All this week, there's been great weather and today it's just beautiful. I've only got a few minutes, but I wanted to capture the moment in writing as best I can. I have different "photographs" in my mind of various events that have happened in my life that I'll never forget. One that I recall vividly is during the attacks on the Twin Towers on 9/11. I was out in the field with my Military Police unit over in Germany and we were all huddled around a small radio, trying to listen to the newscasts for more details as the events unfolded. Our intelligence specialist was closest to the radio and was taking notes so we could brief the commander on the latest information. Several other soldiers were seated or standing around him as he wrote...silence pervaded the TOC. (Tactical Operations Center) It looked like something out of a Norman Rockwell WWII painting. But, that's another story!

Today is just one of those many days at home with the kids. The type of day that the grandmothers and parents of older children tell you to treasure. I sit here watching as our two little gifts from God play contentedly in the living room. Violet is busy climbing from one piece of furniture to the next, making her way around the room without touching the floor. (I remember doing this Pipi-Longstocking-inspired game myself as a child!) Sure, it's a little dangerous and something could get messed up, but she's being pretty careful and I have to admire her skills. And Justus is happily banging on the rainbow xylophone his grandparents gave him for Christmas. Sometimes he runs over to get another "banging" toy such as the small metal frying pan from the kitchen set that makes such a satisfactory noise! They are both happily engaged and not in need of mommy...for the moment, at least. It's a precious picture and I hope to remember these times as they are slipping by so quickly.

Okay...gotta run...I hear a suspicious clanking sound that probably means Justus has transitioned to "fishing" in the cat's water bowl.