Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Violet's New 'Do

She's growing so quickly and her hair has kept up the pace, too! Jason doesn't want to do the first haircut just yet, so we have started putting little "whale spouts" in her hair to keep it out of her eyes. The result is rather adorable.

Garden and Gun

We had an exciting adventure this past week when Paul Keysar, an artist friend of ours from college, called with some exciting news. A new magazine called Garden and Gun contacted him about one of his paintings that we bought a few years ago. They were interested in photographing his painting called "English Pointer" for one of their regular columns about hunting dogs. "English Pointer" is set to run in the January 2008 edition of Garden and Gun. The actual painting is fairly small at 7 inches by 7 inches and shows an English Pointer on alert in the middle of a field. Some photographers from the magazine came to the house to capture the painting on film which they did out on our front porch!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Taro Bun

New York

We had a GREAT time in NYC this past weekend! We saw so many friends and got to eat the food we have been missing so much. We love Symposium restaraunt!!! (Greek food) Laurel also got her fix of taro buns from Chinatown and brought home a bunch to freeze. Big thanks to the Loh's for hosting us and to Ashley and Isaac for taking such good care of Violet!

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Sleepy Repose

The cat never gets this comfy when Violet is awake!